Surrogacy in Delhi | Ayushman Infertility Centre

The journey to parenthood can be a winding path, filled with emotions and challenges. For some intended parents, surrogacy offers a beacon of hope, a chance to build their family when biological pregnancy isn’t possible. If you’re considering surrogacy in Delhi, this blog aims to be a comprehensive resource, guiding you through the legal aspects, potential challenges, and the steps involved in this life-changing process.

Understanding Surrogacy

Surrogacy is an assisted reproductive technology (ART) where a gestational carrier (also known as a surrogate mother) carries a pregnancy for intended parents who are unable to conceive or carry a pregnancy themselves. There are two main types of surrogacy:

  • Traditional surrogacy: In this method, the surrogate’s egg is used, along with the sperm of the intended father (or a sperm donor), to create an embryo through in vitro fertilization (IVF).
  • Gestational surrogacy: This is the most common form of surrogacy practiced in India. Here, the intended parents’ embryo, created through IVF with their own eggs and sperm (or donor eggs/sperm), is implanted in the surrogate’s uterus. The surrogate has no genetic connection to the baby.

Why Choose Surrogacy in Delhi?

India has emerged as a popular destination for international couples seeking surrogacy due to several factors:

  • Cost-effectiveness: Surrogacy in India is generally less expensive compared to Western countries.
  • Experienced Clinics: Delhi boasts numerous reputable fertility clinics with experienced doctors and staff specializing in surrogacy procedures.
  • Legal Framework: The Surrogacy (Regulation) Act, 2019, provides a clear legal framework for ethical surrogacy practices in India, ensuring the rights of all parties involved.
  • Altruistic Surrogacy: This form of surrogacy, where the surrogate is not financially compensated beyond medical expenses, is the only legal form allowed in India.

Ayushman Infertility Centre: Your Partner in Surrogacy

At Ayushman Infertility Centre, we understand the profound desire to build a family. Our team of highly qualified fertility specialists, counselors, and support staff are dedicated to providing compassionate and ethical surrogacy services. We offer comprehensive care throughout the entire journey, ensuring transparency and open communication at every step.

Considering Surrogacy: Questions to Ask Yourself

Before embarking on the surrogacy journey, it’s crucial to have open and honest conversations with your partner and seek professional guidance. Here are some key questions to consider:

  • What are your reasons for pursuing surrogacy?
  • Have you explored other fertility treatment options?
  • Are you emotionally prepared for the journey?
  • Do you have a support system in place?
  • How will you explain the situation to your future child?

The Legal Landscape of Surrogacy in Delhi

The Surrogacy (Regulation) Act, 2019, lays down a clear legal framework for ethical surrogacy practices in India. Here are some key points to remember:

  • Only altruistic surrogacy is permitted, meaning the surrogate cannot be financially compensated beyond medical expenses.
  • Intended parents must be a married Indian couple, with the wife being between 25 and 50 years old.
  • The surrogate mother must be a close relative (sister, sister-in-law, cousin, etc.) and between 21 and 35 years old. She must have given birth to a healthy child of her own.
  • A valid medical reason for needing surrogacy needs to be established.
  • A mandatory counseling session is required for both the intended parents and the surrogate mother.
  • A surrogacy agreement needs to be drafted and registered with the authorities.

The Surrogacy Process at Ayushman Infertility Centre

  1. Initial Consultation: During your initial consultation, our team will discuss your medical history, explore your reasons for considering surrogacy, and answer any questions you may have.
  2. Medical Evaluation: A thorough medical evaluation will be conducted for both the intended parents and the potential surrogate to ensure everyone’s physical and mental well-being.
  3. Counseling: Counselling sessions will be provided to address any emotional concerns or questions you might have about the surrogacy process.
  4. Matching with a Surrogate: We will work diligently to find a compatible surrogate mother who meets the legal requirements and is a good emotional fit for your family.
  5. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): If using your own eggs and sperm, IVF will be performed to create healthy embryos.
  6. Embryo Transfer: The healthy embryo will be transferred into the surrogate mother’s uterus through a minimally invasive procedure. This typically takes around 30 minutes and involves a thin catheter placing the embryo into the lining of the uterus.
  7. The Waiting Period: Following the embryo transfer, a period of anxious anticipation begins. The intended parents and the surrogate will likely experience a rollercoaster of emotions. Regular blood tests will be conducted around 10-14 days post-transfer to check for pregnancy hormones (hCG) indicating implantation.
  8. Confirmation of Pregnancy: A positive pregnancy test brings immense joy and relief. An early ultrasound, usually around 6 weeks, will confirm a fetal heartbeat, a significant milestone in the surrogacy journey.
  9. Prenatal Care: Once pregnancy is confirmed, the surrogate will transition to regular prenatal care under the supervision of an obstetrician/gynecologist. The intended parents can be actively involved in doctor visits and ultrasounds, forging a bond with their growing child.
  10. Continuous Support: At Ayushman Infertility Centre, we provide ongoing support throughout the pregnancy. Our team will be available to address any concerns you or the surrogate may have and guide you through the emotional ups and downs.
  11. Legal Processes: Our legal team will ensure all necessary legal agreements are finalized, including parentage orders that establish the intended parents as the legal parents of the child after birth.
  12. Delivery and Parenthood: The big day arrives! The intended parents will likely be present at the birth, a truly momentous occasion. After delivery, the legal processes will be completed to establish parentage formally.
  13. Building Your Family: The journey culminates in the most precious reward – parenthood. As you welcome your child into the world, a lifetime of love and joy awaits.

Final Note

At Ayushman Infertility Centre, we understand the profound desire to build a family. We are dedicated to providing ethical, compassionate, and personalized surrogacy services. Our team will guide you through every step of the journey, ensuring you feel confident and supported throughout.

If you’re considering surrogacy in Delhi, we encourage you to schedule an initial consultation with our team. We’ll answer your questions, address your concerns, and help you determine if surrogacy is the right path for your family-building journey.

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